Tag: Flowers


National Cannabis Legalization Update

Steave: What is medical marijuana?

Anna: Wherever you put it, in a pot or directly into the ground, make sure you use good quality. soil.

Steave: I find it a good idea to grow in Pots. You can than move the plants around. Either to hide them or to “follow the sun”.

Anna: If there is quality soil in your garden already, good!


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Types of Weed: Determining Marijuana Quality The world of weed is rich with different types and new strains options. To the beginner, it can be a little bit tricky to figure out what’s dank and what’s schwag.


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Types of Weed: Determining Marijuana Quality The world of weed is rich with different types and new strains options. To the beginner, it can be a little bit tricky to figure out what’s dank and what’s schwag. Plants can be put outside 3-4 weeks after germination. Temperatures outside may not fall lower than 0 deg.

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